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Board Meetings, Voting, & Polling

Board Meetings

Comotara Board Meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month. Meetings begin at 6pm during the colder months and move to 6:30 in the late spring, summer, and early fall. The location may vary due to availability and weather. Signs placed at the entrances to the neighborhood the week prior to each meeting will provide the location. All homeowners are welcome to attend.

For homeowners who cannot attend but would like to be a part of the meeting, they may watch and listen to the live feed if they have made a prior request for acceptance to Comotara's closed Facebook group.


Voting at Board Meetings requires that two-thirds of the members are present either physically or virtually.

At the Annual General Meeting, those present plus any proxies that have been presented prior to the start of the business meeting may vote on items brought before the group. The only required vote at these business meetings is the approval of Board Members for the coming year.


In the past, all polling has been done by email, Facebook or phone call/text. With the advent of the new system, these votes can now be entered through the system.